The Giver Wiki

Sameness is the name given to the ideology practiced by the leaders of Jonas's Community, as shown in The Giver.


In plain view, Sameness's principles essentially involves a system of covert oppression in which citizens are indoctrinated into believing that they are all the same and, therefore, equal. The purpose is to establish, through conformity, a peaceful and stable civilization that is free from all man's inequalities. Additionally, emotions (referred to as "stirrings") are not only repressed, but are effectively diminished under the effects of pills, while the memories of the past are passed on to only a single person known as the Receiver in order to keep people ignorant of pain and pleasure, intense emotions that could potentially spark free choice.


The Giver[]

Sameness is the society which Communities are a part of.


Jonas's society is formally named as "Sameness" after the Giver shows Jonas a vision/memory of boating on the open sea, which allows Jonas to fully see color.

